How to Prove a Defective Products Case
Did you suffer an injury as the result of a dangerous or defective product? If so it’s time that you seek the most qualified personal injury attorneys Portland Oregon has to offer. At Dawson Law Firm we have successfully handled numerous dangerous and defective product cases and would be honored to represent you. We are frequently asked by our clients how we will defend them and what we will use to prove their case. In a dangerous or defective products case there are certain criteria that must be met in order to prove that you were the victim of a defective product.
We must first prove that you were in fact injured. It is not enough to have property damage or almost be injured. In order for the courts to find a verdict in your favor you have to have suffered an injury. There are several ways we can go about proving this. We may choose to present the court with you medical records concerning you injury or even have your doctor serve as witness. Once we have established that you have been injured we will move on to proving the next necessary factor in a dangerous and defective product case.
It is required that we show sufficient proof that the product was in fact defective. Often a product is defective as the result of a manufacturing error. If the machinery used to create a product somehow malfunctions and causes a flaw in the product it could be deemed defective. It is also possible that the original design itself is dangerous. Products that are correctly manufactured but are defective regardless are often so because of poor design. These are just a couple ways that we could prove the product that injured you was in fact defective. At Dawson Law Firm we will take into consideration the unique aspects of your case and determine the most effective strategy for proving the defectiveness of the product.
We will also need to prove that you were not sufficiently warned of the dangers of the product. All products on the market today must have proper warning labels. If there is an inherent risk of injury when a product is in use the manufacturer has a responsibility to warn the consumer. In your dangerous and defective product case we will need to prove that the product in question did not have the warning labels necessary for safe use.
Lastly, we will need established that you were correctly using the product. It is not the responsibility of the product manufacturer to compensate injuries you obtained while improperly using their product. As the most qualified personal injury attorneys Portland has, we will make sure to establish that you were not only correctly operating the product but were using it for its intended purpose.
At Dawson Law Firm we are dedicated to seeing you justly compensated. Our familiarity with the laws surrounding defective products makes us uniquely qualified to handle your case. As the most successful personal injury attorneys Portland has to offer we can confidently stand for you. It’s time to call Dawson Law Firm and gain the legal representation you deserve.